client problem

North Carolina teenager Ava Londyn, who specializes in crocheting clothing, lacked a memorable logo for her fashion brand. Her mother enlisted us to create a distinctive symbol that reflected the brand’s style and elegance while remaining practical for various knitted creations. The collaborative effort successfully resulted in a lasting visual identity, enhancing brand recognition for Ava Londyn’s fashion venture.

our solution

The logo features a partially cursive font spun from a ball of yarn, symbolizing the brand’s origin in the art of crocheting. The choice of black as the primary color not only exudes elegance but also embodies the strength and resilience inherent in Ava Londyn’s exquisite clothing line. We believe this identity system aptly captures the essence of the brand, portraying it as both sophisticated and creative

scope of work

  • Logo Design
  • Style Guide
  • Color Palette
  • Typography

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